12th May 2020
Dear Family and Friends,
Re: Weekly Update
I trust this letter finds you well and, if you were able, having enjoyed the opportunity to visit your loved one in our facility over the last week. We are really pleased with how well the visits have proceeded and I want to thank all of you that have taken the opportunity to visit for your support and working with us to ensure the booking / visiting process went so smoothly.
For those of you who visited your mother and / or who are mothers I trust that you had a very special time on Sunday. It is certainly nice to be able to spoil your mum even if it is just for one day every year.
This last week has seen a number of announcements with respect to the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions when it comes to our ability to socialise and travel for recreational purposes. I would just remind everyone that whilst some conditions are easing the requirement for social distancing remains and as such we all need to continue practicing good hygiene and ensuring we do not travel if we are feeling unwell and to maintain at least 1.5 metres between each other when out and about.
On the 8th of May Queensland Health issued a new Aged Care Direction which can be found here: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions- under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/aged-care. This direction supersedes the previous direction which I have previously shared as part of my weekly updates. Whilst there are a number of minor changes none of these impact the current processes we have in place for visitors. As with the previous direction, this direction remains in force until the 19th of May unless the declared public health emergency is extended which I expect may well be the case.
This update also includes the latest information we have with respect to the number of new cases in the last week and the last two weeks (see Table 1). The positive news is the number of new infections continues to be very low with only 7 in the last week and 12 in the last 2 weeks. As mentioned previously the rows highlighted in yellow are those regions in which we operate a facility and the other highlighted rows are those regions that adjoin a region in which we operate.
We are pleased to see that in the last week there have been no locally acquired cases although there are still 5 cases under investigation which may change these results. We are aware that there may be other cases that are not tested / reported and as such we maintain our ongoing vigilance with respect to personal hygiene and monitoring the health of all who are entering our facilities.
Given the above information our current visitor guidelines remain unchanged at this stage.
Many of you will no doubt have heard that today is International Nurses Day and so I would just take the opportunity to reaffirm the amazing job our nurses do each and every day. We are truly blessed to have such wonderful people who are so dedicated to caring for others. If you know a nurse or see one over the next week don’t forget to say thank you and let them know just how much you appreciate them and what they do.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Anderson, CEO.