24th March 2020

Important Notice to Visitors and Contractors

Mandatory Fluvax for visitors and contractors to Aged Care facilities from May 1st

On the 18th of March the Prime Minister announced that from the 1st of May all visitors and staff are not permitted to enter aged care facilities unless they have been vaccinated against influenza (https://www.pm.gov.au/media/update-coronavirus-measures). This applies to all persons whether they are delivering services or simply visiting a person in a residential aged care facility. Our residential aged care facility is regulated by the Federal Government and as such we must comply with the directions of the Prime Minister in this regard.

We wanted to make you aware of the above requirement so that you have as much time as possible to prepare and provide us with confirmation that you and or your representatives have been vaccinated.

It is important to note that access to our sites may still be restricted as at 1st of May and as such there is no guarantee at this time that by having your vaccination for influenza this will result in access to our site. This will be determined by the COVID-19 situation at that time and what measures are still deemed to be necessary by both the Federal and State Governments as well as ourselves as part of our assessment of risk to our residents.

To enable visits to our sites after from the 1st of May please arrange for a copy of all vaccination certificates (including name and address) for yourself and anyone else for whom you are responsible to be sent to the email address below that corresponds with the site you intend to visit :

Thank you for your patience and willingness to assist us as we implement this Federal Government requirement to ensure the health and well-being of our customers.


Eric Anderson CEO