1st December 2020
Re: Adventist Retirement Plus – COVID-19 Update
Dear Residents, Clients, Family and Friends,
With all the changes to our State’s border restrictions it is not surprising that the State Government has also been considering its position on aged care access. Effective from today the Queensland State Government has announced several changes via Aged Care Direction number 14. A full copy of the latest Aged Care Direction can be found at https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/aged-care if you would like to access the full document.
In summary the changes include:
- Removing the restriction of two visitors at a time per resident.
- Removing the requirement of visitors to have a current influenza vaccination.
- Allowing residents to leave a facility for any purpose.
There remain several requirements for all persons visiting a facility including providing contact information, having their temperature taken and providing a declaration that they have not been to a COVID-19 hotspot or been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 in the preceding 14 days.
Given the above changes we will be opening our sites to all visitors effective from today and have removed the requirement for visitors to book in advance. However, there is still the necessity for all visitors to “check-in” via the Sine-Pro system at reception prior to entering our facilities. Our sites will be updating their visiting hours as we transition away from the booking system so please check in with our local reception staff if you are intending to visit.
Finally, and hoping that this will be the last time I need to write to you about COVID-19 this year I want to thank you for your patience over the last 10 months as we took the difficult but necessary steps to keep everyone as safe as possible. Your support and willingness to work with us has been appreciated more than words can covey.
It is hard to believe December is already here, and as the festive season approaches, I hope your time over this next month is very special as you enjoy time with those you love and cherish.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Anderson