27th May 2020
Re: Weekly Update
Dear Family and Friends,
As we rapidly move towards the next phase of reduced restrictions in the wider community on the 12th of June, we are mindful that the risk of a second wave of COVID-19 remains a very real possibility. As we have seen in the last week the potential for outbreaks remains a significant threat and therefore the measures we currently have in place continue to be extremely important.
As mentioned in my letter last week the directive from the Queensland Chief Medical Officer remains in force now until the 17th of August unless it is rescinded. This directive retains the original restrictions that require a person entering a residential aged care facility to be vaccinated for influenza and for there to be no more than 1 visit per day per resident (by up to 2 people at the same time). You can access the most current directive at: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/aged-care
For those of you that are impacted by the current State travel restrictions I would remind you that the offer for video conferencing remains in place including the option to purchase or rent a tablet for your loved one. If you would like further details please respond to us via Contact Us .
The situation in Rockhampton that I shared with you in my last update has thankfully not resulted in a local outbreak at this stage, at least not based on the statistics we have at present. Subject to confirmation from another week of no infections in this area it is our expectation that our Yeppoon site will be able to resume visits for people living in and visiting Rockhampton.
Once again to help assist you in understanding the current rate of infections in the local areas in which we operate Table 1 below provides the number of new cases in the last week and the last two weeks. The information for the last week has been impacted by the removal of some previously reported cases however even with this allowance there have been significantly less cases in the last week as compared to the week before. As mentioned previously the rows highlighted in yellow are those regions in which we operate a facility and the other highlighted rows are those regions that adjoin a region in which we operate.
I am conscious that your time is important and given that we are moving into a more stable period where it is unlikely we will see any significant change to current restrictions until August I will be reducing the frequency of updates from weekly to fortnightly moving forward. This will of course change if circumstances warrant the need to increase our communications once again.
I trust you have found the information contained in this update helpful and my thanks for your ongoing support of our organisation and the team.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Anderson, CEO.