29 March 2021
COVID-19 UPDATE: Residents, Clients, Family & Friends
Caloundra Adventist Retirement Village
All staff and visitors to wear masks commencing immediately until further notice.
Capricorn Adventist Retirement Village
All staff and visitors to wear masks commencing immediately until further notice.
Wisteria Lodge & Melody Park Retirement Resort
All staff and visitors to wear masks commencing immediately until further notice.
Victoria Point Adventist Retirement Village (CLOSED TO VISITORS FROM 5PM TODAY, Monday, 29 March for 3 days)
As directed by Queensland Health, restricted access to all visitors, contractors and non-essential workers.
Supported Living in effected areas
Application and use of masks and the assessment of what services are essential during this time.
We have been advised that the current restrictions will remain in force until Thursday, 1 April 5pm, at which time this will be reviewed by the Queensland Chief Health Officer.
Thank you for your assistance with this.
Yours sincerely
Eric Anderson
Adventist Retirement Plus
Seventh-day Adventist Aged Care (South Queensland) Ltd
P 07 3218 7777
400 Boundary St, Spring Hill QLD, 4000 | PO Box 577, Spring Hill QLD, 4004