6th August 2020

Re: Adventist Retirement Plus – COVID-19 Update

Dear Residents, Clients, Family and Friends,

After the events of last week this has been a relatively quiet week with respect to news about COVID-19. Many of you would have heard about the impending border closing that has resulted from New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory both being declared “Hot Spots” by Queensland Chief Health Officer. The border closure take effect on Saturday the 8th of August and means that anyone coming from NSW or the ACT from this date will have to enter into mandatory quarantine unless they have one of the few special exemptions which are still being finalised.

The impact on our organisation is minimal other than we will be updating our screening questions to ensure that anyone arriving at our Caloundra or Yeppoon site confirm that they have not been to or spent time with anyone from one of these hotspots since the 8th of August.

As previously communicated to those of you that visit or live at our sites on the Gold Coast and Victoria Point these sites are currently “locked down”. We initiated this lock down in accordance with our previous communication as to the steps we would take if community transmissions occurred in the local government area in which we operated or in a local government area adjacent to one in which we operated.

This policy has stood us in good stead as whilst the Queensland Government did direct aged care facilities to lock down in the South Brisbane / Logan areas they did not initially require this of the Gold Coast area. The Gold Coast area was added to the list of restricted areas last weekend resulting in many other providers in this region scrambling to comply. Thankfully, this was not the case for us as we were already locked down and had all the required processes and procedures in place including the wearing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

For those of you that would like to keep abreast of the changes being announced by the Queensland Government you can visit https://www.qld.gov.au/health/conditions/health-alerts/coronavirus-covid-19/current-status/aged-care-restricted-areas-covid-19. This link includes details on the current restricted areas in Queensland as well as a link to the current Aged Care Direction that is currently in place.

Given the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Queensland I have included in Table 1 an update

the COVID-19 statistics I used to provide. As mentioned previously the rows highlighted in yellow are those regions in which we operate a facility and the other highlighted rows are those regions that adjoin a region in which we operate.

A quick reminder that if your ability to visit with your loved ones has been impacted by the lock down at Victoria Point and Melody Park please contact us if you would like to utilise visits through the glass or our online video conferencing.

Many of you have been working with us as we implemented our new access control system which is intended to streamline the process of those visiting / working at our sites. We appreciate the patience you have shown as we continued to review and implement minor improvements to this important system.

One of the areas identified as a frustration has been having to re-enter the vaccination details each time you visit and we are currently implementing a solution to resolve this. It will unfortunately likely require all visitors to re-enter their vaccination details again however this time it will be online and this will mean that you will not have to do so thereafter each time you come to one of our sites. Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine and improve this system.

August 7th is Aged Care Employee Day for 2020 and I hope that you will join me in passing on your thanks to the amazing team we have working across all our sites. Each and everyone of them contribute their respective skills and experience to make it possible for us to deliver the services we do each and every day, 24 hours a day. I am very proud of our team and the way they have responded to the challenges of the last 6 months and I know, based on the feedback we receive, you are too.

I trust that you have found the information above informative and once again thank you for your ongoing support.

Yours sincerely,

Eric Anderson