11th June 2020
Re: COVID-19 Update for Family and Friends
Dear Family and Friends,
As promised in my last update we have moved to an update each 2 weeks to reduce the amount of material that you receive given the COVID-19 situation has reached an equilibrium for now. In this update I will confirm the current and ongoing Queensland Aged Care Directive as well as provide my usual update on the COVID-19 statistics within the areas we operate.
Whilst there has been a new Aged Care Directive issued (we are now up to number 5) the requirements are largely the same with only a minor update to the previous directives. The requirement for providers to ensure that all persons visiting a site have had their influenza vaccination (that are medically able to have it) remains. Also, the restrictions to the number of visits and visitors per day remains in force. You can access the most current directive at: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/system-governance/legislation/cho-public-health-directions-under-expanded-public-health-act-powers/aged-care
We have continued to monitor the information that is available to the public regarding the COVID-19 statistics and I have included the latest update in Table 1 below. As mentioned previously the rows highlighted in yellow are those regions in which we operate a facility and the other highlighted rows are those regions that adjoin a region in which we operate. The Gold Coast had an increase of 3 cases in the week ending the 8th of June and whilst 2 of these may have been from overseas cases we are actively watching to see if there are any further community transmissions in the area.
For those of you that are visiting your loved ones in our facility you may also be interested to hear that we are in the process of implementing a new sign in process. This new sign in tool will enable each person visiting our site to check in either via their mobile phone or on a tablet at front reception. We are also currently investigating a contactless temperature measuring device that can record temperatures from up to 1.5 metres away. There are more great features to this new sign in technology and we will be sending out more details soon.
I trust you have found the information contained in this update helpful and my thanks for your ongoing support of our organisation and the team.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Anderson, CEO.